1/ It is possible to become a member of the support committee of SAUVONS CHRISTINA (LET’S SAVE CHRISTINA) after a proposal from us or by spontaneous application.

2/ The members of the support committee are on a list visible on the site, with their full name and profession (full address is not visible).

3/ Full addresses, email addresses, phone number, are not visible. We’ll use them only to transfer information between ourselves.

4/ The consent of the members is registered on the site.

5/ Members are kindly asked to transmit a link to our website SAUVONS CHRISTINA to their family, friends, relationships, or interested media and social networks. They can also transmit a link to whatever friendly website supporting our action and presenting the original petition.

6/ Members of the support committee may, on behalf of SAUVONS CHRISTINA (LET’S SAVE CHRISTINA), organize public or private meetings, on conditions to respect our charter and not undermine our general action.

7/ We’ll maintain with them preferential links on the follow-up of our actions

8/ They can, according to their wishes :

  • Publish on Christina’s blog (Inside our website)
  • Participate in an action related to SAUVONS CHRISTINA (LET’S SAVE CHRISTINA)
  • Suggest ideas, actions, help, whatever the form

9/ Whatever the result of our action, they will have acted for the most just cause : save a child from the clutches of a dangerous clan… a child they maintain as the victim of their hatred and greed (see Christina’s brief story).